Toyo Construction Code of Conduct

Toyo Construction Code of Conduct

To fulfill our Corporate Mission

1. Construction activities suited to the requirements of society

In order to respond quickly and accurately to the needs of society and customers, Toyo Construction will strive to achieve originality and innovation and present creative proposals.

2. Securing quality and improvement of construction technologies

Toyo Construction will gain the satisfaction and trust of customers by improving the quality control system, grappling proactively with the development of advanced technologies, and providing safe, high quality construction products and services.

3. Thoroughgoing implementation of public disaster prevention and response to natural disasters

Toyo Construction will implement thoroughgoing actions to prevent public disasters accompanying construction work. In order to fulfill its social mission as a construction company, Toyo Construction will quickly and systematically implement disaster response activities at the time of earthquakes and other natural disasters, including rescue and relief of disaster victims, securing safety, emergency recovery of disaster-affected structures, etc.

For fair and reliable business activities

4. Thoroughgoing compliance with laws, regulations, and similar requirements

Toyo Construction will comply with the letter and spirit of all relevant laws. We will not engage in any corporate activities contrary to social common sense, and we will conduct our corporate activities with fairness and sincerity.

5. Fair bidding and fair competition

Toyo Construction will not engage in activities contrary to criminal law or antitrust law. We will promote free and fair competition, and we will reject orders that constitute illegal dumping.

6. Implementation of an appropriate production system

In transactions related to business activities, Toyo Construction will implement an appropriate production system, for example, by concluding fair contracts and clearly defining the roles of the parties, etc.

7. Elimination of antisocial influences and groups

Toyo Construction will resolutely confront and reject all relations with antisocial influences and groups that threaten the safety and order of society.

8. Securing trustworthiness of corporate accounting and disclosure of information

Toyo Construction will secure the trustworthiness of financial reports by accurate and appropriate accounting, and will proactively disclose corporate information widely to society, beginning with stakeholders and endeavor to obtain a proper understanding of its business activities.

9. Proper relationships with the political and administrative worlds

Toyo Construction will observe the Public Office Election Law, Political Funds Control Law, and other relevant laws and ordinances, and will maintain a transparent, proper relationship with the political and administrative worlds.

10. Protection of intellectual property rights

Toyo Construction will respect the intellectual property rights of others, and will properly control and protect personal information, etc.

To value people and secure a better relationship with society

11. Commitment to management which respects human rights and individuality

Toyo Construction will respect human rights, eliminate all forms of irrational discrimination, and practice impartial and sincere corporate activities. We will also value our “people,” beginning with engineers and technicians, and strive for human resources development that respects individuality.

12. Strengthening of safety and health measures and creation of an attractive labor environment

To secure the safety and health of persons employed in the construction industry, Toyo Construction will strengthen safety and health measures, and will promote improvement of the workplace environment and labor conditions to create an attractive labor environment.

13. Coexistence with society

Building a good relationship with society is the foundation for the existence of a company. Therefore, Toyo Construction will endeavor to obtain an accurate understanding of the needs of society at all times, and will aim to be an “open company” which is trusted and considered necessary by society. We will also actively develop social contribution activities.

14. Environmental protection efforts, etc.

Toyo Construction will actively grapple with issues such as realizing a low carbon society, protection of biodiversity, etc., and will endeavor to improve construction technologies which are effective for reducing environmental loads and realizing energy saving.

15. International cooperation

In its international business activities, Toyo Construction will respect international rules, the laws and ordinances of all countries and regions, and norms, including human rights. We will also work to deepen mutual understanding by respecting other cultures and customs, and will contribute to the development of all countries and regions.