Technologies and Solutions

Floating Wind: Tension Leg Platform (TLP)

Floating wind is categorized into three types: TLP with taut mooring lines, and semi-submersible and spar types with catenary mooring lines.
Compared to catenary mooring lines, the taut lines of the TLP take up less space, which reduces the impact on fishing and shipping, thereby exhibiting excellent social acceptance. Although there is no proven track record in Japan to date, we are working to overcome this issue through technological development.

Floating Wind: Tension Leg Platform (TLP)

Toward the realization of floating offshore wind


In designing TLP floating mooring foundations, we conduct centrifuge loading experiments using a scaled model to reproduce actual stress conditions in order to understand the behavior of the structure and the ground, and confirm its characteristics.

We are also examining methods for seafloor investigation and construction methods at large water depths. In this research and development, we are working to reduce costs and aim to realize floating offshore wind power generation.



  • Recuce impact on fishing and shipping due to smaller occupied area
  • Less movement caused by waves which reduces the risk of damage to turbines, thereby reducing maintenance costs.